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FAQs - Paternity Testing Service


1. What is a paternity test, and how does it work?
A paternity test is a DNA-based test used to determine the biological relationship between a child and an alleged father. The test analyzes specific genetic markers present in their DNA to establish paternity with a high degree of accuracy.


2. How accurate are paternity tests?
Our paternity tests boast an exceptionally high level of accuracy, often exceeding 99.9%. We use state-of-the-art technology and stringent procedures to ensure reliable and precise results.


3. What kind of samples are required for a paternity test?
Typically, a cheek swab or saliva sample is collected from both the child and the alleged father. In some cases, other DNA samples, such as blood, hair, or buccal swabs, may be used.


4. How long does it take to get the results of a paternity test?
Results for a standard paternity test are usually available within 3-5 business days from the date our laboratory receives all the necessary samples. Expedited options for quicker results may be available upon request.


5. Is it necessary to involve the mother in the testing process?
In most cases, involving the mother in the testing process is not required. However, including the mother's sample can sometimes strengthen the accuracy of the results, especially if the alleged father is unavailable for testing.


6. Can a paternity test be conducted without the alleged father's knowledge?
Yes, a single grandparentage test is performed to determine a child’s relationship to the alleged father’s family when the alleged father is unavailable or unwilling and no post-mortem sample is available.


7. Will the results of a paternity test hold up in court?
Our paternity tests follow strict procedures and chain-of-custody protocols to ensure admissibility in legal proceedings. We provide legally defensible results that can be used for legal purposes, including child support, custody, and immigration cases.


8. Can a paternity test be performed before the child is born?
Yes, prenatal paternity testing is possible. This involves collecting samples through procedures like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These tests carry some risks and should be discussed thoroughly with a healthcare provider.


9. Are the results of a paternity test kept confidential?
Absolutely. We prioritize the confidentiality of all test results. Access to the results is strictly controlled and provided only to the individuals involved in the testing process unless otherwise legally required.


10. How do I initiate a paternity test with your service?
To start the process, visit our website and select the paternity test option. Follow the instructions to order the test kit, collect the required samples using the provided kit, and send them back to our laboratory for analysis.

Participants for a standard paternity test, called a trio, are the mother, child and alleged father. The mother’s participation is always encouraged in a paternity test but not necessary.


Because DNA testing is so powerful, paternity can be determined even when the mother is unwilling or unavailable to be tested.


Paternity can be determined using a simple blood-draw from the mother and a buccal-swab collection from the alleged father, as early as 7 weeks' gestation.


A maternity test is performed to confirm the biological relationship between a mother and child—for immigration cases, adoption,or other situations.

Type of paternity test

Get in Touch
Montreal & surroundings: 514-500-5265 
Rest of Canada & International: 1-888-381-9511

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